Congratulations! You have successfully bid to design and build Google’s 199 floor corporate office! This is a huge win for you and your firm. But before you can begin pouring concrete, you have to present Google with a detailed plan on everything that will be in the 199 floor building. And when I say everything, I mean everything.
You will need to choose the concrete, steel framing, carpet, marble floors, and of course the urinals. This may seem like an awful task, but wait it gets better. You will have to find all these products out of the resource library at your firm. You know, the room you never go into anymore. The room with books, catalogues, samples, and dust from floor to ceiling. Good luck…
Jerry Freeman wants to change all of that. He believes that in 2016 all products should be available online. And he is right with the major exception of the construction industry. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of products used in construction, and for the most part the only way you would know about them is if you talk to their specific manufacturer.
Jerry formed the firm Pro Material Solutions to combat this problem, by simply having an online database with all these products. This way you can simply type in what you need and can drill down to the exact product you are looking for. This simple database can save the industry 720 million hours annually, hours you won’t spend in that dusty library of yours.
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