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Tech to Protect

Organized By
The City College of New York: The Grove School of Engineering
Nov 1
05:00 PM - 05:00 PM

The Tech to Protect Challenge, implemented by the RedFlash Group and SecondMuse under contract with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) Division, is a national open innovation contest designed to help emergency responders—including EMS, firefighters and police—accomplish their mission to serve and protect our communities nationwide.

Join entrepreneurs, inventors, and innovators with diverse backgrounds who share a common interest in creating technology that can improve the safety of their communities. Regardless of your area or level of expertise, we invite you to use your talents and join researchers, scientists, and emergency responders in advancing technologies and applications for public safety.

For additional information on how to participate in-person or online, the contests you can create solutions for, the rules and more, visit



Up to $35,000 in cash prizes will be awarded at each Regional Codeathon event.

  • At the event the top submission per contest will be awarded $1,000

  • Post event, the top 4 submissions overall (from any Contest) at the NYC Regional Codeathon will be awarded as follows:

First Place Overall: $10,000

Second Place Overall: $7,500

Third Place Overall: $5,000

Fourth Place Overall: $2,500



Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the Tech to Protect Challenge can be found at


About Tech to Protect Challenge: New York, NY

The NYC location for the Tech to Protect Challenge is one of ten in-person coding contests inviting participants to create technology solutions that will aid emergency responders in serving and protecting communities across the country. This local event is being organized by The City College of New York.


Location of Event

160 Convent Avenue Steinman Hall, Room 142
New York, NY, 10031

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