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7 unobvious mistakes which retard your sales (and how to avoid them)

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Sep 10
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
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As a rule, the majority of startups have problems and get stuck somewhere in the middle of their way. So, they can generate really fine ideas, have a lot of motivation and great passion for their solutions. They can make a detailed and nice plan on how to begin. But few startups can get to the finish line - to the stable success and to the full realization of the idea. Why?

The majority of problems (as a rule, unexpected problems) arrive in the middle of the way. You can be confident and know how to begin. But how to continue correctly? Which unobvious mistakes can prevent the realization of a startup? Liinea experts give you some successful tips.

7 unobvious mistakes which prevent to grow your sales

Not being direct

It’s so easy to ask "What will it take for you to become our customer?", isn’t it? Business is business. Save your and your customers’ time (and money) by being direct. This question will help you to understand where you are with your pitch and how to improve your business.

You don’t make more friends

Communication and making new friends are the most important for successful and effective sales. Especially for B2B sales. The more complicated and ambitious a solution you offer, the more layers of decision will involve. These layers can be general or office managers, IT-specialists or potential users. You must get “yes” from every of them. Don’t forget that B2B sales depend on the collective decisions (your customer is collective). Communication is important to understand what is expected from you and your solution and how to make it better and more successful.

You don’t close your communicative acts with customers

Closing every call and every meeting helps you and your clients to define the next steps of your communication and its timeline. After the conversation try to appoint the next conversation. Try to define the schedules, deadlines and peculiarities of your work. If you have questions, ask them. This easy step will help you to save your and your client’s time. Many potential customers appreciate such a concrete approach, and you will get more chances to hear “yes” from them.

You resist working on objections

Different objections and doubts are common parts of human nature. It’s okay when your potential customer thinks about risks, advantages and disadvantages. And it’s great because it allows you to understand how your prospects think, what they are afraid of, what they want. Work on the objections of your customers, it will help you to increase the prospects confidence in your project.

For example, you can choose storytelling to persuade your potential customer how you have already helped other customers. Tell about how they were afraid of risks until they learned about the benefits of your solution or until realised they would save such precious time and even money.

You don’t learn the portrait of your potential client

When you don’t know who is your potential customer, the probability he/she became your real customer will be very low (7%). Maybe one out of the 10 companies you’re talking to today will become your client. Why?

If you know who your client is, you can make the strategies. What is the motivation of these companies? What they want to get? Which problems do they face? How to solve these problems? How do they make decisions? Will your project help them? How? Which risks do exist? Etc.

You don’t make MAP

MAP is a mutually agreed plan. Mutually with your customer. Buyers are more willing to buy what they helped to create. Buyers are more willing to buy what you created especially for them. High engagement from your potential clients is the best mark of future success. Make an action plan together, define the purposes together, think about how to reach them together. Make a mutually agreed plan.

You don’t hurry

When you give your potential client much time to think, the possibility that he/she will reject your offer will increase. It's human nature - we doubt when we have much time for making decisions. That’s why you need to create urgency. Move fast to prevent your potential client from these difficulties of choice.

Think of some reasons why your future client must accept your offer now. Maybe it expires tomorrow? Maybe the most advantageous benefit for your future customer will occur only if he starts using your solution as soon as possible? Don’t give your client much time to think.

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