5 tech events you don't want to miss this week

Written by Anthony Sodd
Published on Apr. 11, 2016

Monthly Drinks and Learning How To Leverage Video Content, April 11 at 6 p.m.

This is an opportunity to meet a bunch of innovative people who are leveraging video in their industries. Grab a drink meet a ton of marketing and brand managers, live streamers and some people making videos for virtual reality. There will also be a presentation covering some new ways people are producing live video and virtual reality video. 


NYC TechBreakfast: Breather, GemShelf, Stack AI and LincSphere, April 12 at 8 a.m.

This is a monthly, free breakfast designed to get techies, designers and entrepreneurs to connect through show-and-tell style presentations. There will be bagels, coffee and networking followed by a ton of showcases.


Qwitcher Bitchin’ and Start Pitchin’, April 12 at 6:30 p.m.

How can you not attend a pitch night with a title like that? This event will be an evening of live demos featuring new wearables, 3D printing techniques, and artificial intelligence. Angel investors, VCs and the press will all be in attendance. 


The Ins and Outs of Raising Money With VCs, April 12 at 7 p.m.

Obviously, raising money and getting good terms is a big deal, and most entrepreneurs aren’t prepared for the experience. This panel discussion, which will include a Q&A, features some of NYC’s top venture capital firms. They’ll fill you in on the process.  


A Conversation with Leslie Muller on the Evolution of Wearables, April 13 at 7 p.m.

Leslie Muller has over 20 years of experience leading design teams making eyewear, apparel and accessories. She’ll be discussing how she works with brands to create technology used in eyewear lines. 


That's it for this week. For a full listing, check out the Built In NYC events page.

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