Pokémon Go, a mobile game turned global phenomenon, is sweeping the Internet and the streets of NYC. Unlike previous Pokémon games, which were designed for handheld Nintendo consoles, Pokémon Go was made for Android and iOS devices—and is challenging users to ‘catch ‘em all’ in the real world.
As the first big augmented reality game, Pokémon Go has successfully mixed technology with real-world elements, as well as tapped into nostalgia surrounding Pokémon’s popularity in the ‘90s. Naturally, NYC’s tech community had some hilarious reactions to the game—here are our favorites:
Swipe right ... tinder. Swipe up... #PokemonGo. That's how I tell what people are doing these days in the streets of NY.
— Drew Austin (@DrewAustin) July 12, 2016
I would vote for Picachu over @realDonaldTrump.
— Charlie O'Donnell (@ceonyc) July 13, 2016
Just saw a grumpy teen waiting for his mom to finish catching a Pokemon in Pokemon Go. The teen boy was not playing the game.
— Raymond Wong (@raywongy) July 14, 2016
This person had Pokemon sex, did you? https://t.co/R2yKORMc9u pic.twitter.com/ABE5wI1KBM
— Katie Drummond (@katiedrumm) July 11, 2016
Stockade down 0-4 at the half, Baby V just pooped her pants, and not a Pokemon in sight. Worst Sunday Ever. pic.twitter.com/5mbInSTB7K
— Dennis Crowley (@dens) July 10, 2016
I feel bad for people without self-driving cars. It's so much harder to collect Pokemon while also steering.
— Pokemongofluencer (@ProfJeffJarviss) July 12, 2016
I found a Pokemon! Wait, is that not how this works? pic.twitter.com/ptdZkH4PyF
— Suzanne Xie (@suzannexie) July 12, 2016
What are the odds that there are pokemon at the @ffvc VR AR breakfast pic.twitter.com/od7QJG6B1d
— Julian Moncada (@JulianMoncadaNY) July 13, 2016
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