Hiring Now: The Culture and Growth Opportunities That Make These Companies Stand Out

At two growing NYC companies, an emphasis on company culture and access to professional development opportunities have proven to draw talented tech professionals.

Written by Lucas Dean
Published on Aug. 11, 2023
Hiring Now: The Culture and Growth Opportunities That Make These Companies Stand Out
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Even against the backdrop of turbulent times in the technology industry, New York City has continued its ascent as one of the foremost hotspots for tech talent and innovative companies in the nation. 

According to CompTIA’s annual State of the Tech Workforce report, the city led the country in tech employment increases in 2022, growing by 3.4 percent and an estimated 18,420 workers. In 2023, NYC’s projected increase in tech jobs will remain strong — beaten out only by San Francisco. 

As new startups and established companies across the Big Apple grow their teams, there are ample opportunities for tech talent to apply their skills and advance their careers. But finding the right company — and cultural fit — can be like finding a needle in a haystack. 

Thorough research can only get job seekers so far. Hearing directly from current team members adds an essential and insightful perspective that can’t be gleaned elsewhere. 

Built In NYC spoke to professionals at Applecart and Order — both hiring now — to get the details on the professional growth experiences and cultures that take their companies to the next level. 


Justin Cutler
Director of People • Applecart

Applecart harnesses publicly available data on social interactions to help clients build targeted advertising strategies aimed at key decision-makers.


Describe your company culture in one word. 


Candidates often ask me what makes someone successful at Applecart. Certain characteristics, like communication or organization, apply to any working environment, but at Applecart, our team has a unified all-hands-on-deck approach that truly exemplifies what it means to be an Applecart employee. 

Whether that means walking across our open office to brainstorm with a colleague on tackling a problem in real-time or simply replacing the paper towel roll in the kitchen, our team’s greatest asset is the ability to rely on each other. This creates an environment where people genuinely enjoy spending time with one another. Additionally, our teams organize company-sponsored department monthly outings and frequent companywide events.

Our team has a unified all-hands-on-deck approach that exemplifies what it means to be an Applecart employee.”


How long have you been with the company, and what professional growth or development have you seen in that time?

I’ve been with Applecart for over three years and have seen our team almost triple in size throughout my tenure. With such growth comes even more of a need to implement professional development plans and resources for our employees. At Applecart, we aim to provide department-specific career progression guidelines to give employees clarity on a realistic path for growth. New hires are often paired with mentors to help acclimate to their new roles. We also have a dedicated learning budget that employees use towards resources and initiatives that contribute to their professional development.



Mark Skrapits
SVP, Operations • Order.co

Order.co is a spend efficiency platform that helps businesses track and place purchases across their vendors and make purchases in a single bill. 


Describe your company culture in one word. 


Order.co’s resilience is evident from high-level strategy through front-line team culture. The operating plan we deploy is methodical, favoring optionality and steady growth over moonshot bets. We’ve seen this approach pay dividends during shocks to our target markets — such as early COVID — and more recently in significantly cooled-off fundraising environments. On the front lines, our teams in customer support and operations simply do not quit. Our talented folks work tirelessly to provide a seamless customer experience and jump in quickly and empathetically when things don’t go according to plan.

Having a strong team and great partners has made collaboration easy and provided lots of great models to learn from.”


How long have you been with the company, and what professional growth or development have you seen in that time?

August marks my five-year anniversary with Order.co. While I’ve enjoyed sharpening skills I showed up within operations management, decision making and analytics, competencies like relationship management and communication have been significant growth areas. Having a strong team and great partners — both cross-functionally at Order.co and externally — has made collaboration easy and provided lots of great models to learn from.


Responses edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.

Hiring Now
Information Technology • Internet of Things • Mobile • On-Demand • Software