How to improve email deliverability and increase email open rates

Written by Tara Thomas
Published on Jul. 05, 2016

So you’re wondering how to avoid spam traps and increase email open rates?

First of all. Let us tell you this:

You aren’t alone.

And to prove that, here are some images of complaints, requests and questions that people like you have asked us…

nudgespot spam and increase email open rates

Worry not. When you’re done with this post, you’ll be a boss at handling Email Deliverability. You’ll be all like 

increase email open rates jay z

1. Email: The best case scenario
2. Your Sender Reputation and Recipient Engagement
3. Spam Complaints
4. Email Content
5. Link Shorteners
6. Spam Traps
7. Email Address Validity
8. Blacklists
9. Segmentation
10. Emails Collected from Facebook
11. Sending Frequency
12. Dedicated IP Address
13. Warming up your IP Address

The Best Case Scenario

So the ideal scenario for emails is when every email you send arrives in the inbox of your recipient the way you planned it. The not-so-ideal scenario is when an Internet Service Provider (ISP) blocks your message or sends it to your recipient’s trash/promotions/spam folder. To increase email open rates, click rates and engagement is not an easy task. Making sure your emails go directly into inboxes a majority of the time requires some time and consistent effort.

TL;DR: You want your emails to reach the recipient’s ‘Inbox’ folder – nowhere else. Unless there is a ‘Priority’ folder of course.

Why it sucks to be blocked by an ISP aka “The Consequences”

      • Users don’t get your messages
      • Your User Engagement drops
      • Your IP trust/score drops
      • You feel like the kitteh below

kitteh improve email open rates

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Your Sender Reputation and Recipient Engagement

Opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and spam reports are important ways to measure how your emails are being received. Engagement doesn’t stop here. User actions as simple as read vs. delete without reading or moving to a folder can also be tracked and marked ‘good’ or ‘bad’...

(Read More)

This blog was originally published on the Nudgespot Blog. To read the entire post, click here.


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