Extreme Weather Simulator, an impressive new weather simulation application from Channel One News, is designed to offer children exciting educational opportunities by encouraging them to experiment with creating complex weather formation patterns. Built by the Dom & Tom team, the tool represents true education innovation. In the app, children can watch the progression of these formations, and can use their knowledge to develop an array of different storm patterns on their own. And what kid doesn’t want to simulate a natural disaster?
By bringing to life the excitement of witnessing these powerful weather formations, this tool is designed to educate young weather enthusiasts on the complexities of such phenomena. Within the app, users can investigate weather patterns surrounding historic blizzards, cyclones and tornados. Overviews provide detailed information about each of these unique occurrences.
But perhaps most impressively, the interactive tool allows children to experiment with creating their own natural disasters. Users can simulate powerful blizzards by adjusting wind speed, amounts of snow and other variables, and can manipulate the speed and width of a tornado funnel or a tropical cyclone.
Educators can easily share the app with their students using Google Classroom, thereby opening the floor for dialogue about extreme conditions and natural weather formations.
With so much recent emphasis on the importance of STEM education, interactive tools like this one serve to inspire young people to consider careers in science and technology. At Dom & Tom, part of our “Do Good. Be Good.” mission is to build products that truly impact people’s lives. By combining education and technology in programs such as this one, we’re helping the next generation of scientists, engineers and technologists discover their true passions.
Read more about this exciting endeavor over at the Channel One News blog. Special thanks to D&T team members Jeison Fox, Ben Wilhelm, Kirsten Sorten, Amy Hudson, Paul Petrowsky, Kayle Sauner, Mart Malong, Berg Gudbergsson and Marcus Pauls who worked so diligently to create this amazing app!