A name is vitally important for every business; it should represent the firm’s culture and their mission. With that being said, sometimes it is necessary for a firm to change its name. I should know, because that is exactly what I realized… a little too late.
I decided to change the name of my podcast to ‘The Founder’s Report’. The reasoning was simple, people had a hard time spelling (and understanding) the previous name ‘The Entrepreneurial Report’. This flaw, I determined, was holding back the potential that my show had. How could I expand my listener base if people couldn’t spell the show’s title?
The decision to change a name, regardless of the scale, is always nerve wracking. It comes with the stress of changing domains, emails, branding, as well as the added stress of telling people. Yet, all the damage that I may be doing in changing the name is (hopefully) less than the damage of having a name people can’t spell (or understand).
If you’d like to hear our first show under the new title, click below. www.thefoundersreport.com