7 NYC Companies That Need to Be at the Top of Your ‘Apply To’ List

New York tech job postings have grown 44 percent year-over-year. That’s a lot of jobs to pick from, but these are the companies you should focus on.

Written by Michael Hines
Published on Sep. 01, 2022
7 NYC Companies That Need to Be at the Top of Your ‘Apply To’ List
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Things are looking pretty, pretty good for those who want to launch or grow their tech career in New York, although you’d be excused for thinking otherwise. 

After all, the tech industry is supposed to be struggling right now, what with all the stories about the companies that make up FAANG — technically “MAANG” now — instituting hiring freezes and considering layoffs. Then there’s the broader economic news: The stock market is taking regular shellackings and “inflation” looks like it’s destined to become the word of the year.

And yet, according to a new report, total tech job postings in New York have grown year-over-year from the first half of 2021 to the first half of 2022 by 44 percent. Included in that figure are the seven companies featured here, all of which should be at the top of your “apply to” list.

We’re not just saying that to say it. Seriously, included in this list of seven companies is one with over $400 million in funding that is heavily invested in the career development of each employee. There’s also a healthtech company where engineers work to change how new health plans are launched and spend their time building products instead of managing solutions. Then there’s a company whose growth — and streaming service ads — are quickly making it one of the most-recognizable names in the industry.

And that’s not even half of the list. Continue reading to learn more about the opportunities each of these companies are offering straight from the source: their employees and leaders.


Multiverse group photo on Times Square


Tej Mehta
Head of Product Growth, US • Multiverse


The apprenticeship model has yet to gain traction in the tech industry, and Multiverse is out to change that. Multiverse partners with companies to give people without a college degree or formal tech experience the ability to learn digital marketing, data science, software engineering and more through a paid apprenticeship.


What unique element of Mutiverse’s product makes it a rocket ship that will ultimately blitz all its competition?

Multiverse is building an alternative to college and corporate training via tech apprenticeships, and we are focused on scaling them to reach millions, which has required a huge investment in tech. We are building the global platform for apprenticeships, including a faster and fairer recruitment experience and a learning platform that complements Multiverse’s applied learning model through success tracking and automated interventions. For example, we are building a recruitment experience that assesses candidates on potential — not pedigree — via psychometric assessments. 

With this, we are uniquely doing the challenging but transformative work of building pathways to the best careers for those who have historically been unable to access them while simultaneously enabling companies to close skills gaps and build a more diverse workforce.

Multiverse is building an alternative to college and corporate training via tech apprenticeships, and we are scaling them to reach millions.”


What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently, and what did you enjoy most about it? 

The application of apprenticeships as a training route to more technical roles, such as software engineering, is a relatively recent development in the United States, with Multiverse paving the path. There is still a growing understanding of what apprenticeships are and their value. For potential apprentices, in particular, the value proposition seems too good to be true.

To better reach apprentice candidates, we need to continue building a deeper understanding of the apprenticeship model and its value. The team has been engaging apprentices and candidates to understand their knowledge of apprenticeships and identify gaps. These insights are enabling us to define features at different points of the recruitment platform that reinforce the value of apprenticeships and reach more candidates, faster. 

Personally, I have found this to be incredibly enjoyable work given the deep focus on the candidate’s needs and motivations as well as the unique opportunity to shift mindsets and behaviors about apprenticeships in the United States.



monday.com team members cheering in Times Square


Juan Cisneros
Solutions Engineer • monday.com


Companies use monday.com to build and manage workflows for teams of all types, from marketers to developers and project managers. More than 152,000 companies use its platform, including Universal Music Group, Hulu and the NHL.


What unique element of monday.com’s culture or product/service makes it a rocket ship that will ultimately blitz all its competition?

It’s the people! Over the years, the product has evolved and how our customers use it has changed drastically, but the one thing that has remained consistent is how impressed I am by the people I work with. Scaling has allowed us to do so much more, but it’s because we’ve added incredibly talented and sharp people that we can do it all better. It’s certainly part of our culture to problem-solve beyond the respective responsibilities of each role and every department within the organization encourages and enables this. This is ultimately what sets us up for success. 

Scaling has allowed us to do so much more, but it’s because we’ve added incredibly talented and sharp people that we can do it all better.”


What’s the biggest rocket ship-fueling project that you’re currently working on, and what do you enjoy most about it?

That would definitely be working on our new products. Specifically, the introduction of products that solve for some of the biggest and most daunting use cases in the market today: think project management, software development and marketing. The solutions engineering team was involved in ideating and validating the MVPs of these new products. Discovering the needs and building and validating required an incredible effort from many teams, and seeing them deployed across the world for our clients has proven to be rocket ship fuel!



The AvePoint team in Times Square, New York.

Dan Pulka
Senior Enterprise Account Executive • AvePoint


AvePoint’s SaaS and data management platform is used by companies to optimize SaaS operations and secure collaboration. Founded in 2001, the publicly traded company has over 2,100 employees worldwide, more than 9 million cloud users in seven continents and is a five-time Global Microsoft Partner of the Year.


What unique element of AvePoint’s culture makes it a rocket ship that will ultimately blitz all its competition?

I haven’t experienced a truly unique culture like AvePoint’s anywhere else in my career. Colleagues really treat each other like family, and you can trust that not only leadership cares about your success but also your peers. This allows for a transparent and organic transfer of knowledge between departments within the company, and the sharing of real-world stories we learn from our clients allows their voices to be heard. This enables us to truly excel in gaining industry knowledge, staying ahead of the curve and delivering impactful solutions to our clients.

You can trust that not only leadership cares about your success but also your peers.”


What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently, and what did you enjoy most about it? 

The coolest project was helping a large financial services organization truly transform how its team collaborates in their new hybrid work environment. Given that they are in a highly regulated industry dealing with sensitive information, the need for security became a barrier to the new modern work experience they were trying to implement across their global workforce. Culture is incredibly important to this client, and with hybrid work there was a strong desire to maintain a sense of community using technology. 

We enabled them to roll out their modern work experience to all colleagues and saw strong user engagement while meeting their security and regulatory requirements. They are truly emblematic of our company value proposition of “collaborate with confidence.” We transformed how they work, alleviated security concerns and allowed for my internal champion to advance his career significantly within the company.



Republic crypto team photo


Matt Hamilton
VP Product, Retail • Republic


Republic is an investment platform offering users the opportunity to invest in startups, cryptocurrencies, real estate, video games and video game development companies. Since it launched in 2016, its more than 2.5 million members have invested more than $900 million.


What unique element of Republic’s culture makes it a rocket ship that will ultimately blitz all its competition?’

The element that stands out the most is how hard people will work to get to a “yes,” whether it’s on a deal or to improve how we do something for customers. The number of conversations I’ve had where people have been let down on the second, third or fourth plans for a project but are still pushing to figure out how we can make it happen is pretty unique.

We have to keep up with the pace of technology, and that project has helped us prepare for the next five years of innovation.”


What’s the biggest rocket ship-fueling project that you’re currently working on, and what do you enjoy most about it?

Supporting our team as we upgraded our escrow system to move money faster and better for our customers has been a massive project with great implications. In changing how we work with our partners to connect startups and investors, we sped up numerous manual processes, verified information more reliably and improved the experience overall. We have to keep up with the pace of technology, and that project has helped us prepare for the next five years of innovation.



Flume Health team photo
Flume Health


Casey Hancock
SVP, Engineering • Flume Health


The healthcare industry is full of processes that still rely heavily on pen and paper, and according to Flume Health this includes the creation of new health plans. Flume takes a different approach and offers a suite of solutions designed to help healthcare companies construct and deploy new, targeted health plans faster and more efficiently. 


What unique element of Flume Health’s culture or product makes it a rocket ship that will ultimately blitz all its competition?

Flume has the right mix of fuel to break through to new heights: We have an open, collaborative, fun and energetic culture and a team of driven and smart people. Our product is in demand with innovators in healthcare looking to build their new and different visions in a space that’s tough to break into. We engineer products while our competitors work with their IT departments to manage solutions.

We engineer products while our competitors work with their IT departments to manage solutions.”


What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently, and what did you enjoy most about it? 

We’ve recently been working on a project that decreases the barrier to entry for new health plans and innovative health solutions that bring specialized care to patients, often through digital experiences. We’re making it possible to bake a virtual mental health provider into a health plan in days rather than months. This project is just a fraction of the innovative ground we cover and could stand on its own as a valuable company. It’s fulfilling to engineer powerful products with a clear, positive impact within the industry.



Quote on the wall in DearDoc office


Jeremy Taube
Senior Sales Manager • DearDoc


DearDoc makes technology designed to help doctors grow their practices and better communicate with patients. Its offerings include AI chatbots, telemedicine technology and tools for generating patient reviews and displaying testimonials. 


What unique element of DearDoc’s culture makes it a rocket ship that will ultimately blitz all its competition?

The feel and energy when you walk into the office is something that can’t be put into words. Seeing a sales development representative or account executive ring the gong after their first sale is something that brings camaraderie and is truly inspiring. Culture is highly valued here and everyone is cared for and treated as an individual whose success is valued. The teams are dynamic and nimble and identify opportunities and overcome challenges together.

Culture is highly valued here and everyone is cared for and treated as an individual whose success is valued.”


What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently, and what did you enjoy most about it? 

The coolest project we continually work on is seeing someone who comes in with zero sales experience and helping them grow and master their craft to become an absolute professional on the phone. There is nothing more exciting than watching someone — whether they are fresh from college or starting a new career — establish their brand and really excel in sales.



Photo of THESIS products


Jessica Skoczylas
Director of Brand Strategy


Thesis is a nutritional supplement company that specializes in nootropics, which are designed to support cognitive performance. Personalization plays a big role in the creation of Thesis’s blends, with users taking a quiz to determine their initial mix of ingredients and then working with a personal coach to ensure the mixture continues to meet their goals.


What unique element of Thesis’s culture makes it a rocket ship that will ultimately blitz all its competition?

Our core value of relentless growth sets Thesis apart from the inside out. We’ve built a culture that prioritizes radical transparency and continual testing and learning. This approach of ongoing iteration extends not only to our product development process but also to our customer experience. We’ve built a testing engine that is constantly evaluating new ingredients and blends, and our unmatched customer experience is centered around systematic trial and optimization to find the best ingredient combinations that unlock focus, motivation, energy and confidence for each customer.

We’ve built a culture that prioritizes radical transparency and continual testing and learning.”


What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently, and what did you enjoy most about it? 

I’m currently leading the brand evolution of Thesis. Maturing our brand identity impacts every aspect of the business — from marketing and creative to product development, supply chain and recruiting. From speaking directly to our customers to working with internal and external partners, bringing to life Thesis’s mission and determining how we communicate with the world has been the most exciting and rewarding process. 

The next iteration of our brand reflects the incredible impact we have on our customers’ lives. In a world that’s never been more fast-paced or richer with opportunity, Thesis unites people with their potential to make the most of their ambition.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images via listed companies and Shutterstock.

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