In June And Beyond, These 5 Companies Support The LGBTQIA+ Community

These companies empower and uplift LGBTQIA+ individuals in their organizations and communities

Written by Olivia Arnold
Published on Jun. 06, 2023
 In June And Beyond, These 5 Companies Support The LGBTQIA+ Community
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June may mark the beginning of Pride Month, but these five New York companies know the importance of celebrating and supporting the LGBTQIA+ community all year long. 

Despite progress made in recent years, LGBTQIA+ people, especially those who are women of color, are dramatically underrepresented at all levels of the management pipeline, including in entry-level roles. According to a McKinsey & Company 2021 report, lesbian, gay and bisexual men and women are more likely to view their sexual orientation as a barrier to career advancement, despite aspiring to top executive roles at the same rates as their straight peers. 

The featured organizations — Taskrabbit, Rokt, Madhive, Flatiron Health and Qualtrics — have demonstrated a commitment to combating stigma and nurturing safe, inclusive workplaces. They achieve this through a number of equity-minded initiatives, such as LGBTQIA+ employee resource groups and Slack channels, pronoun policies, access to gender neutral bathrooms, and robust benefits for gender-affirming treatment and inclusive family planning.

This month, the companies are going above and beyond to promote joy and education. On the celebratory front, they have organized Pride-themed activities and events, including trivia, potlucks and drag shows, and are excited to march in Pride parades around the world. For educational purposes, some are hosting lunch-and-learn sessions focused on gender identity and how to take action against recent anti-trans national legislation. 

Built In New York connected with the five companies to learn more about how they empower and uplift LGBTQIA+ individuals in their organizations and communities — in June and beyond.  


James Arthur Martin
Culture and Inclusion Specialist • Taskrabbit

Taskrabbit is a marketplace that connects people with helpers for home to-dos, such as furniture assembly, moving help and handyman services. 


Describe the activities that Taskrabbit is coordinating for Pride Month. 

At Taskrabbit, our people team partners with our employee-led affinity groups to execute monthly programming and events with support from our senior leadership team. Our “Queer at Taskrabbit” affinity group has put together a robust calendar of Pride programming, with the theme “strength and solidarity.” We’ve chosen to focus this year on celebrating and uplifting the trans and nonbinary communities, putting into practice one of our core values to “care deeply” and showing support for a community that is facing harmful legislation across the United States. 

Throughout June, we have various activities to encourage our employees to explore and level up their understanding of the trans and nonbinary communities. We’re also excited for a great mixture of fun and thought-provoking events that Queer at Taskrabbit is hosting — everything from coffee chats to allyship huddles and inviting special guest speakers as part of our internal speaker series. For the latter, we’re thrilled that long-time drag artist and activist Marti Gould Cummings will join us to celebrate with Pride-themed games and discuss current issues impacting the LGBTQIA+ community.


How does Taskrabbit support and empower LGBTQIA+ team members?

It’s important to note that 19 percent of our employees identify as LGBTQIA+ and our Queer at Taskrabbit employee group has 40 active members across the company. This employee-led community gives our team a safe space to share stories, connect, brainstorm and be their full, authentic selves. The group holds regular meetings, has an active Slack channel and the full support of their executive sponsor, who sits on our senior leadership team. 


It’s important to note that 19 percent of our employees identify as LGBTQIA+ and our Queer at Taskrabbit employee group has 40 active members across the company.”


In times of tragedy, the group has held sharing circles to unpack heavy issues like anti-trans laws in Tennessee. This allows employees to voice their feelings and thoughts while providing possible action items. We know that these efforts lead to stronger engagement and a sense of inclusion, as measured by our annual belonging survey which shows that 91 percent of LGBTQIA+ employees feel they can be their full authentic selves at work. This is something we are incredibly proud of, as many of us have experienced workplace cultures where we’ve had to hide our identities.

On a regular basis, we also share resources in our companywide allyship and equity Slack channel, which is a safe space for employees to connect and discuss on all topics relating to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. 


Beyond the month of June, how does Taskrabbit support or advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community?

Pride at Taskrabbit doesn’t just start and stop in June. Our Queer at Taskrabbit affinity group leads programming throughout the year, including monthly team meetings and an annual allyship huddle on Transgender Day of Remembrance. The allyship huddle is a companywide lecture and discussion on the state of transgender rights and what we can do better as allies. Additionally, we do programming around Coming Out Day, allowing employees to share their stories.

Finally, throughout the summer, Queer at Taskrabbit shares a curated list of local and virtual volunteer opportunities with LGBTQIA+ organizations. Taskrabbit is also partnering with an organization in New York that works with LGBTQIA+ unhoused youth, who make up 40 percent of the total unhoused youth population in this area. We know there is more to be done to uplift and support our LGBTQIA+ employees and the communities we serve. While we are proud of all we’ve accomplished, we know that we are just getting started!



Vincent Chiclacos
Senior Director of Performance Marketing • Rokt

Rokt delivers e-commerce technology for companies such as Uber, AMC Theatres and Hulu. 


Describe the activities Rokt is coordinating for Pride Month.

We are kicking off Pride Month festivities on June 6 through our sponsorship of the 2023 TriState LGBTQ+ Unity Summit, an event that recognizes business leaders and individuals with standout LGBTQIA+ inclusion efforts. We are also a sponsor for the Lesbians Who Tech Pride Summit, an event on June 12 where attendees experience the power of inclusion and innovation while celebrating diversity. 

Leading into New York Pride on June 22, we are having a grand Pride celebration. We are also excited to host a “Drag and Learn,” a unique event that focuses on recently passed anti-drag laws in the United States, providing valuable insights to our employees and empowering them with tools on how they can actively support the drag community. To continue the celebration, we have planned a spectacular drag show and drag bingo event. 

In line with our commitment to education and fostering a more inclusive workplace, we are coordinating a lunch-and-learn session dedicated to exploring important topics and promoting open dialogue on gender identity, nonbinary and trans identities, and pronouns. Finally, as Pride Month coincides with Father’s Day, we will celebrate LGBTQIA+ fathers, highlighting and honoring their experiences.


How does Rokt support and empower the LGBTQIA+ team members?

At Rokt, we support and empower our LGBTQIA+ team members in a variety of ways. We have a community group called “Rainbow Rokts,” which meets at least once per quarter to socialize, watch documentaries and discuss ways to make Rokt more inclusive. Our HR system incorporates pronouns and preferred names, which flow into our company directory, email signatures and profiles on Gchat and Gmail. Additionally, all of our documents, both internal and external, were revamped to use gender-neutral language. We also have inclusive bathroom signs in all of our facilities. 

Our culture is open and honest, and we give employees the freedom to experiment with their styles and appearance. We don’t have any dress or appearance rules, which is especially important for the LGBTQIA+ community. Employees can dye their hair different colors, and tattoos and piercings are acceptable. We also encourage LGBTQIA+ people to bring their significant others into the office, and we celebrate the rainbow. Our culture allows people to express themselves in the workplace comfortably.


Beyond the month of June, how does Rokt support or advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community?

We recognize that the LGBTQIA+ community faces unique challenges, and thus we are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all team members, regardless of their sexual orientations or gender identities. We believe that by creating an inclusive workplace, we foster creativity, innovation and collaboration, which will ultimately benefit our team members and our company as a whole. 


We believe that by creating an inclusive workplace, we foster creativity, innovation and collaboration.”


We sponsor the Lesbians Who Tech Virtual Summit to create visibility and job opportunities for lesbians in the tech industry. Rokt also holds donation drives for trans youth in the city, donating needed items to a local shelter. 



Adriana Sandoval
Senior Technical Account Manager • Madhive

Madhive allows content creators and brands to customize and automate their TV advertising campaigns. 


Describe the activities Madhive is coordinating for Pride Month. 

When I joined Madhive, I learned that we had a number of employee resource groups for team members who identify as women, Asian American and Pacific Islander, and Black. A Pride ERG hadn’t been created, and I was immediately encouraged to start one with support from our employee engagement team. My goal was to ensure there was a sense of community and a safe place for our LGBTQIA+ team members, and we officially kicked off our Pride ERG this year! 

Madhive is hosting many interactive Pride events for our employees this month. The cornerstone will be our participation in New York City’s Pride Parade for the very first time. We want to give our employees the opportunity to proudly march together and alongside other allies.  

Additionally, we are focusing on education. We are creating a resource guide that will include book, podcast and article recommendations so team members can educate themselves on LGBTQIA+ history. It will also include a list of LGBTQIA+-owned businesses to support and visit and we’ll have brand touchpoints, including Pride backgrounds to use on video calls. Employees will be encouraged to participate in all Pride initiatives and share resources.


How does Madhive support and empower LGBTQIA+ team members?

Madhive is deeply committed to equity and inclusion and ensuring that all employees feel heard and seen. With the creation of our Pride ERG, employees will be able to meet on a regular basis for support, education and a sense of community. Madhive is also looking at its policies and procedures and creating a steering committee to ensure that everything is processed through a DEI lens.


Beyond the month of June, how does Madhive support or advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community?

Our Pride ERG will continue to host events and meetings throughout the year. This allows us the opportunity to give our team a place where they feel safe and supported. The only constant in life is change, and the Pride ERG gives all Madhive employees a space to learn new things about themselves and how to best support their team members. 


The Pride ERG gives all Madhive employees a space to learn new things about themselves and how to best support their team members.”


We have so many exciting events that we want to plan in the upcoming year, including a 5K run/walk to celebrate and raise funds for an LGBTQIA+ organization and an open mic night for both in-person and remote employees. We also want to continue education initiatives, such as workshops that explore LGBTQIA+ identities and ally training sessions.



Avisha Sanassie
DEI Program Associate • Flatiron Health

Flatiron Health is a healthtech company that is dedicated to improving cancer care.


Describe the activities Flatiron Health is coordinating for Pride Month. 

This Pride Month, our theme at Flatiron is “stay curious, stay caring.” Chosen by our LGBTQIA+ employee resource group, Velvet Mafia, this theme emphasizes that a workplace that is inclusive and supportive of our LGBTQIA+ community requires ongoing curiosity, compassion and a commitment to learning and growing. 

We’re kicking off Pride Month with our annual T-shirt fundraiser, in which 100 percent of the proceeds go directly toward the Trans Justice Funding Project. Additionally, we have several hybrid and in-person activities taking place that are centered around building community, learning and having fun. 

For example, we have “Kai’s Trivia,” hosted by our very own Kai McKinnon, who will lead Flatiron colleagues in rounds of trivia related to Pride and LGBTQIA+ history. We’re also excited to host several social events, such as a potluck picnic and in-office manicures. Lastly, we’ll close out the month with another round of our highly anticipated book club, where we get together to discuss a crowd-sourced book that navigates relevant topics for the LGBTQIA+ community.


How does Flatiron Health support and empower LGBTQIA+ team members?

At Flatiron, we are committed to creating a workplace that is inclusive and supportive of all our employees, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+. One of the ways we support our LGBTQIA+ employees is through our ERG Velvet Mafia. Velvet Mafia is a safe and supportive community where LGBTQIA+ employees and allies can connect, share experiences and participate in events and activities that promote awareness and understanding of LGBTQIA+ culture and issues. We understand the importance of intersectionality, and we often host events that bring together multiple marginalized identities and experiences.


Velvet Mafia is a safe and supportive community where LGBTQIA+ employees and allies can connect, share experiences and participate in events.”


Beyond the month of June, how does Flatiron Health support or advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community?

We also recognize that small changes can make a big impact on creating an inclusive workplace culture. At our offices, inclusivity is at the forefront of our design. We’ve taken concrete steps to ensure our office space is accessible and supportive to all our employees, regardless of their gender identity or expression. One such measure is the inclusion of gender neutral bathrooms. 

Our commitment to inclusivity extends to our employee benefits as well. We offer family planning benefits through KindBody to support all kinds of families, recognizing the diversity of family structures and needs within our community. We also encourage employees to share their pronouns via Slack profiles and email signatures, and we have a Flatiron Pride logo used all year round, signaling our unwavering commitment to LGBTQIA+ inclusion.



Michael Cooksey
DSX Program Manager, Head of XM Community • Qualtrics

Qualtrics offers a technology platform that businesses use to collect and manage data.


Describe the activities Qualtrics is coordinating for Pride Month. 

For Pride Month, the Qualtrics “Q-Pride” team has selected the theme “pride has no borders.” This theme and its related activities and events invite Qualtrics staff, customers and the general public to reflect on the need for LGBTQIA+ equality and inclusion, both in the United States and around the world. 

On June 1, we will publish our Pride blog on Qualtrics Life about the importance of fostering inclusivity in the workplace. At our June 5 companywide all-hands meeting, our executive sponsor will kick off Pride Month as a company initiative, followed by a presentation from the Q-Pride global communications chair inviting team members to join virtual and live events. 

We have in-office and virtual social events for Qualtrics staff to celebrate Pride and learn about LGBTQIA+ history and culture. Team members are also representing Qualtrics in local Pride parades in Salt Lake City, Seattle and Dublin. 


How does Qualtrics support and empower LGBTQIA+ team members?

Qualtrics is proud to sponsor a Q-Pride DEI group dedicated to raising awareness about global LGBTQIA+ issues and fostering understanding from allies and others. Qualtrics is also certified on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, and the company has received 95 out of 100 total points for 2022. By undergoing this certification, sharing our score and taking action to close the remaining 5 percent this year, we aim to demonstrate our commitment to equality and support for our LGBTQIA+ teammates. 

Qualtrics leadership signed a letter supporting the United Nations’s Standards of Conduct for Business on “Tackling Discrimination Against Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Intersex People.” It is a global human rights standard that we will abide by in our workplace. 

The Q-Pride team is dedicated to making Qualtrics an inclusive space for the LGBTQIA+ community by raising awareness of Qualtrics Pride; developing, retaining and recruiting employees who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community; providing a discussion forum for challenges facing the LGBTQIA+ community; and giving back to the LGBTQIA+ community by volunteering and supporting global and local community initiatives.


The Q-Pride team is dedicated to making Qualtrics an inclusive space for the LGBTQIA+ community.”


Beyond the month of June, how does Qualtrics support or advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community?

Qualtrics is committed to Pride 365 days per year. In addition to sponsoring and supporting global events such as Sydney Mardi Gras, Transgender Day of Visibility, National Coming Out Day and World AIDS Day, Qualtrics is committed to offering inclusive benefits to LGBTQIA+ employees throughout their life journey. 

All employees are eligible for substantial family planning benefits. Qualtrics covers up to $10,000 of qualified expenses associated with the adoption or surrogacy of a child. Additionally, Qualtrics offers a wide range of other community-affirming health insurance benefits, including coverage for an array of gender-affirming surgeries and treatments, PrEP, mental health counseling, pharmacy benefits, medical visits, lab and surgical procedures, paid short-term leave for gender dysphoria treatment, and benefits for all spouses or domestic partners of benefits-eligible employees. 


Responses have been edited for length and clarity. images by Shutterstock

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