Find Your Dream Job: 5 NYC Tech Companies Growing Their Teams

Looking for a place where your talents can really shine? Well, throw on those shades ‘cause the future is bright at these five NYC tech companies. 

Written by April Bohnert
Published on Jul. 31, 2019
Find Your Dream Job: 5 NYC Tech Companies Growing Their Teams
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Summer may feel like a time to kick back and relax (hello, rooftop weather!), but it’s no time to get complacent about your career. New York tech is on fire, which means there’s no shortage of opportunities to grow and learn in a role you’re passionate about. 

Looking for a place where your talents can really shine? Well, throw on those shades ‘cause the future is bright at these five NYC tech companies. 


Ocrolus top companies hiring August NYC tech
Photo via Ocrolus.

What they do: Ocrolus helps businesses modernize their back office with an AI-powered automation platform that analyzes documents — like pay stubs, bank statements and tax forms — with over 99-percent accuracy.


Coolest perks: At Ocrolus, we strive to empower our employees to lead the lifestyles they want, both inside and outside the office. Inside the office, Ocrolus offers customizable catered lunches, a full snack bar, periodic massages, and shortened hours during the summer. Outside the office perks include subsidized transportation, gym membership, and Citi Bike reimbursements. Our unlimited vacation and work from home policies, plus perks such as three months paid maternity and paternity leave, enable our employees to do their jobs without sacrificing the things that matter most to them. 


What's one thing about your company that would surprise a lot of people?

 “Our first office space in Long Island was connected to a barbershop and a store for home-brew beer hobbyists,” said VP of Engineering Zoheb Sait. “Last month, we closed our Series B round with $24 million in new funding. We’ve long since moved out of that $15-a-cut plaza into an office that’s around the corner from the New York Stock Exchange. But the tight-knit community that we formed in the first lean days of our company still persists. Some things never change. Although, these days, nobody accidentally wanders into our office looking for a haircut.”


Zipari top companies hiring August NYC tech
Photo via Zipari.

What they do: Zipari’s customer experience and CRM products are designed to streamline and improve interactions between health insurance carriers and their customers. 


Coolest perks: Zipari aims to make their team’s time in the office as enjoyable as possible — and they’ve got the perks to prove it. The company provides monthly unlimited MetroCards, generous vacation and leave policies and plenty of snacks. In fact, they keep a Slack channel open for the team to suggest new snacks they’d like to see around the office. Zipari knows company culture can be a pretty important perk too, which is why they work hard to foster a collaborative environment where everyone is encouraged to contribute their ideas and talents.


What's one thing about your company that would surprise a lot of people?

“As a female engineer by training, I’m very excited that Zipari is actively looking to bridge the gender gap in engineering,” said VP of Customer Engagement Products Jyoti Mokal. “We noticed the imbalance in female engineering candidates applying to our jobs and discussed solutions with our executive team. We’ve taken a few steps to get to the root of the issue, including attending job fairs for female engineers and working with companies like Tech Ladies, which is dedicated to connecting us with more female engineers. A lot of people are surprised by the fact that we have a culture committee. We have had this committee since there were 15 of us. We have regular check-ins with people to understand how they are doing, what’s working, what’s not working and what improvements we can make as a company to make this a better place.”


Snap top companies hiring August NYC tech
Photo via Snap.

What they do: Snap’s popular apps have transformed the way people use their cameras, providing users with creative platforms that allow them to communicate and express themselves through video, photos and messages. 


Coolest perks: Snap understands the importance of work-life balance — particularly for those with families — and great perks are one way they support that. Employees enjoy benefits like unlimited PTO and family-friendly events like Bring Your Kids to Work Day and the company’s Summer Pier Party in LA. They also help people who want to start families with stand-out perks like surrogacy and adoption assistance.


What's one thing about your company that would surprise a lot of people?

“Our Council program — small gatherings of people from different teams that bring us together for conversation, fun activities and more — is a unique part of Snap’s culture, and it's even integrated into our onboarding program,” said Lead Business Recruiter Ed Boyd. “Council fosters this amazing environment of openness and transparency in a safe space. I was surprised by the program but also by how much I love it! I've had the opportunity to learn about my colleagues on a deeper level which makes connections so much stronger.”


Bread top companies hiring August NYC tech
Photo via Bread.

What they do: Bread’s fintech platform helps retailers drive sales and empowers customers by offering flexible pay-over-time solutions that make larger purchases more affordable. 


Coolest perks: At this NYC startup, it’s not just about making bread. They offer some pretty unique perks, too. From day one, each team member gets “desk credit” to create their own custom desk setup that helps them do their best work. Through the company’s “BreadFit” wellness program, employees can also take advantage of perks like monthly guided meditations, bi-monthly yoga classes and bi-monthly chair massages.


What's one thing about your company that would surprise a lot of people? 

“If you're wondering if we have bread in the office all of the time, yes, we do,” said Sales Operations Manager Kristin Fretz. “Our conference rooms are also named after different types of bread, such as Pita, Sourdough and Baguette. It's a small detail that is one of many ways Bread's strong culture and values are built into every aspect of the company.”


Stocktwits top companies hiring August NYC tech
Photo via Stocktwits.

What they do: Stocktwits is a social media network for investors and traders that helps industry professionals connect and keep a pulse on the markets and stocks they care about most.


Coolest perks: In addition to all the staples of a great perks and benefits package — including 100-percent covered health insurance, a 401(k), unlimited vacation time and a convenient location close to all mass transit  — Stocktwits offers some unique perks that inject a whole lot of fun into the workday. On Thursdays, a seasonally inspired bar cart makes its rounds through the office, offering special snacks and beverages, and from January until March, teams vie for cash and prizes in the company’s annual three-month trivia competition. Employees are also encouraged to rep their Stocktwits swag, receiving unlimited access to the company’s store each month.


What's one thing about your company that would surprise a lot of people?

“Stocktwits is built by a team with diverse world experiences — a veterinarian, a geologist, an actuary, a historian, two psychologists, a former WWE television announcer, a professional poker player and many more,” said Operations Manager Carissa Murray.

Responses have been edited for clarity and length.

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